Design Sprint: co-construction of solutions

RyM Design Sprint: from idea to success, design your next innovation through UX!

The Design Sprint support, focused on the user experience (UX), allows you to generate innovative ideas, to identify the most promising ones, but also to build and model a differentiating and attractive concept meeting the expectations of your future users.

Design Sprint : co-création d'innovation

Why use Design Sprint support in your innovation strategy?

Innovation is essential, but it is not always easy to find THE right idea for a solution designed for and with its users, and to put it into practice in the best way.

Diversify your product and service portfolio

You want to innovate? You need to propose new concepts to meet new expectations or to diversify your activities? Design Sprint support allows you to generate creative ideas and to concretise the most meaningful one for your target.

Keep up with trends and staying competitive

You have identified significant trends representing new opportunities in your market? Innovation is essential for you to remain competitive? The RyM team will support you in detecting these opportunities, identifying the market problems to be solved and conceptualising the most appropriate solution.

Find new growth levers

You are looking to grow and conquer new markets? You want to initiate projects to develop your company? This support allows you to imagine and come up with high potential innovative concepts, whatever the target and sector.

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RyM Design Sprint: How does it work?

This collaborative support mobilizes creativity methods and expert designers to help you and your teams in the ideation and implementation phases of your innovation

Design Sprint : innover et rester compétitif

Creativity workshops to generate many ideas for innovative solutions based on a need or a central issue for users.

Thanks to specific creativity tools, a convergence exercise to identify the most promising concept ideas for the target groups to produce a book of illustrated ideas.

Thanks to the methodology for developing a communicative concept, a workshop for creating and formalising the new offer(s).

Illustration of the selected concept by a designer/graphic expert to formalise it.

Dedicated service for (3D) modelling of the offer concept (optional).

Some Design Sprint references
